Senior Family
What is a “Senior Family”? – You’re
in a senior family if you are concerned about a loved
one who is experiencing issues in aging. The onset
of this phase of life is often subtle and gradual,
difficult to pinpoint but so clearly felt by all who
are involved.
The later stages of life can be almost as challenging
as the first ones. As we age capabilities can slowly
slip away, sometimes so subtly only those around us
can notice the change. For the senior these changes
are difficult to accept, sometimes they are denied
and sometimes they are mourned. Depression is very
prevalent at this time of life, often being accompanied
by irritability and increased difficulties in social
For the family of the senior this is a sensitive time.
No one likes to lose their independence, and it is
human to cling to it as long as possible. Unfortunately,
this can force family members to make some difficult
choices; should dad continue to drive, should mom
be living alone, is my parent depressed and if so
what should be done?
Often what is needed is a psychological evaluation
for the senior; to determine their cognitive functioning
level, ability to perform activities of daily living
and mood state. Once specific information is obtained
decisions become more apparent, and explaining these
decisions is made easier. Counseling can help seniors
adjust to the changes they are experiencing and facilitate
any necessary transitions. The Senior Family may also
benefit from counseling as they strive to adjust to
the changes in their roles, cope with added stress,
and sometimes begin to take on responsibility for
their loved one's life.
Medicare, MediCal and any private MediGap insurance
will almost always cover most of the cost of the evaluation
and any necessary treatment. Peace of mind for all
concerned is best obtained through the gathering of
pertinent, objective information concerning the senior's
Art has been evaluating and counseling seniors since
1995. Much of this work has taken place in skilled
nursing facilities working with Geriatric Counseling,
Inc. He has evaluated and counseled thousands of seniors
during this time, and was the Director of Clinical
Services for Geriatric Counseling for five years.
You or your loved one can be seen at any of Art's
offices listed below.
